Global warming is the most popular topic currently discussed in the UN organization, and all the nations are trying to solve this problem. But what is global warming? Why is it so popular? Will it be the end of humanity? So let’s discuss global warming.
What is Global Warming?
Global warming, this term refers to the heating of the Earth due to the excess amount of greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere, which trap the heat of the sun and capture it so that the Earth remains warm. But an excess amount of it can be hazardous, cause serious issues, and even be responsible for the sixth mass extinction of humans and several other species
History of global warming
But how did this problem start? The problem’s answer is in the papers of history, so let’s take a look at the year 1878. When the first phase of industrialization happened in Europe, Nations like Britain, France, Germany, and other European powers began the use of coal in their newly designed machines and engines.
Britain was the biggest user of coal at that time, followed by France in the second spot. This led to the race for industrialization between France and Britain, and more nations joined it later. This, as a result, led to the formation of several new machines, technologies, industries, etc., in which coal was a major player. But the burning of coal creates a lot of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.
And until 1940, at the end of World War II, the collection of carbon dioxide was 0.035%, which was the point of global warming. Soon in the 1990s, scientists discovered that there was a hole in Antarctica’s ozone layer, which is caused by the CFC gas produced by the ACs (Air Conditioners), refrigerators, etc. So the UN organization decided to ban the use of CFC gas in appliances, and today the ozone hole has recovered properly.
The current state of global warming in 2023
Global warming has led to a significant increase in carbon dioxide levels. Pre-industrial levels were about 280 parts per million (ppm), and as of 2022, this has surpassed 415 ppm. If emissions continue at the current rate, we can expect further increases, which will exacerbate the effects of climate change.
While climate change is a global problem, its impacts vary by region. Industrialized nations such as the USA, India, China, and parts of Europe are particularly vulnerable due to their dense populations and infrastructure.
Some areas, especially those in the northern and southern latitudes like Russia, Canada, and parts of Latin America, might see certain benefits, such as longer growing seasons. However, these benefits are likely to be offset by other challenges, like the melting of permafrost or increased frequency of wildfires.
The global temperature has risen by approximately 1.2 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times. If unchecked, we risk surpassing an increase of 2 degrees Celsius, which scientists warn could lead to more severe and frequent climate events.
It’s imperative to take immediate action to mitigate these changes and prevent catastrophic impacts on our ecosystems, which could indeed lead to a significant loss of biodiversity akin to a mass extinction event.
By implementing sustainable practices and transitioning to renewable energy sources, we can work towards stabilizing our planet’s climate and securing a safer future for all its inhabitants.
Steps to prevent global warming
We can prevent this by using renewable resources like solar, wind, geothermal energy, etc. Like Sweden, where 97% of the annual electricity is generated by hydroelectricity, which is a very effective source of energy. We should have a strict rule for every citizen to not have more pollution than the permitted limit. Like in France.
We can use nuclear energy to make electricity by creating a new generation of nuclear reactors that are compact and release more energy than the material inserted, and in the future, fusion energy will be a prior source of energy. So let’s make this world like heaven before it turns into hell.
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In the shadow of mounting concerns, global warming stands as a testament to human impact on the environment. From the industrial revolution’s coal-driven machinery to the critical carbon dioxide levels we grapple with today, our actions have set the stage for profound ecological consequences. While the challenges ahead are significant, solutions abound. By harnessing renewable resources, advocating for sustainable practices, and prioritizing innovative energy solutions such as fusion, humanity holds the key to charting a more sustainable course. The urgency of our situation mandates collective action. Only through shared responsibility and commitment can we preserve our planet’s delicate equilibrium for future generations.