1. Cutthroat competition in schools
Today, we are living a life that is full of modernity and cutthroat competition. These competitions start in our lives from school time to college. In school, we are constantly pressured to get the highest scores, and we work hard to do so.
We study till late at night, and many times we neglect our health in the process. We don’t even have the sense to eat or drink. After doing all this, if the results aren’t up to our expectations and we don’t get the highest marks, then we get demotivated and further stressed about our studies.
2. Stressful journey from school to college
The struggle and stress don’t end here. To get admission to a good college, we have to work very hard and score well, and for that, we start worrying again and work as hard as we can.
More than the competition, we get stressed due to the fear of not getting good enough marks and failing to achieve our goals. The stress is mostly due to our fears and the extreme amount of pressure we put on ourselves.
3. Competing to get a job
The stress in our lives does not end here. After completing our studies, our next goal is to get a good job; after all, the ultimate goal of studying so hard is to build ourselves a stable career.
And this is what worries us the most: what career to choose, how to get there, and when, after studying so hard, will we finally be able to achieve our goals? All these questions are nothing but fears for our future, and this is what stresses us the most.
4. The stress of a job
One would think the stress would end here, but no, it only takes on a new form. To get a good job, we go to different companies and give interviews, but there is still that fear of the outcome.
And even if we get a job, the tension does not end there; even more, the tension comes into our lives about whether we will get our salaries on time or not and whether we will get our salary according to our ability or not, and this cycle of tension goes on for the rest of our lives. Unless we take charge of our lives and do something about it.
Social media – a big cause of stress in modern society
According to me, social media can be another major cause of stress in life. When a person starts using social media, it becomes very easy to get addicted to the digital world. In the beginning, we used social media properly. But with time, we get to know more things about the digital world, some of which are right and some of which are wrong.
Our mind then diverts to things that are not good or useful for us, especially the wrong ones. We watch other people live their lives a certain way, and we start comparing our lives to theirs. We start believing our lives are dull and full of stress as we see the other person enjoying various things.
In reality, those people think the same way when it comes to us. We show our best on social media, leading people to believe that we are doing better than them.
Here are some tips to reduce stress in your life:

- Exercise regularly: Take a walk outside, be mindful of your surroundings, eat healthy, and stay fit. Staying physically active is a great way to lead a stress-free life.
- Think positive: Instead of comparing yourself to others and complaining about the negative parts, try to focus on the good parts that are there to make you happy—your family, friends, and all the things you can enjoy!
- Spend time with your loved ones: Don’t glue yourself to social media all the time and try spending some time with your loved ones, especially your parents.
- Take good action: Take actions that you will not regret later and that do not bring stress to you. Learn to accept challenges and overcome them, but avoid unnecessary situations that can affect you negatively and cause stress.
No doubt our lives are full of stress, but if we want to, we can eliminate it. We only pay attention to the negativity in our lives. Rather, we should pay attention to things that have a positive effect on us. Your life will never be dull if you keep learning and growing, think positively, and do not compare yourself to others. And don’t forget to count your blessings!
Read our latest blog on when the sun sets
Class – 8th – Oak Buds Ramnagar

There are 14 comments
That’s true… Stress is playing the role of an antagonist in everyone’s life. To defeat this, we need to learn the old ways of living a life when there was no mobile phone, no internet and no television.
Keep up the good work !
Thank you so much!😊
Nice article
Thank you Jagrat!
Well written Sister. I pray for ur bright future. You described stress very wonderful in short words.
Thank you for your kind words!
I read the article. And every point you have mention is 100% true. No doubt parents are running behind marks. Though marks are important but on the other side parents must know aboiut the capability of the child. Everyone is not same. We are different. People have different mind, different interests. If a student is not getting good marks that doesn’t mean he/she can’t do anything in his/her life. We should know about his interest and focus on them. Some may good in study, some may good in sports, some may good in cooking food. In today’s world we can earn money in every field. The thing we must good in our feild.
Well.. Thank you Tooba for writing such a beautiful article.
Parents usually want the best for their children, within the limited information that they have. They encourage kids to study because that is a relatively safer path to a stable life.
Well done!
Thank you, Vandana!
Wow! well defined