1. What is happiness?
Happiness is a thought that will forever repeat itself. Is happiness all about laughter? Can it be achieved? Is happiness a power one can possess? Can happiness take the pain away? These are the questions that often come to mind as I observe the people around me.
2. The deceptive smile
‘Watch me laugh, and you will never find the Tear Treasure.’
A smile can indeed lead you the wrong way when you are trying to find the Tear Treasure. The moral is that a smile is not always an action caused by happiness; sometimes it is used to hide the pain within. The real deal is not to get fooled by laughter or happy faces; neither can truly define happiness.
3. The search for happiness
Sadness is getting the better of me. God, help me achieve my happiness!
Many people in the world today are battling with depression, anxiety, or stress, so to be happy, they try different ways, finding an object, a person, or simply a path that will lead them toward happiness. But happiness cannot be achieved; it is a treasure you have to find in the tiniest of things—something within you that will bring you joy.
Assuming that someday happiness will be achieved through other people or material things is like assuming that a magician, with his magical wand, will make life possible on the moon.
4. The power of perspective
Happiness cannot be achieved or created; it is a thought, a state of mind that a person achieves in his or her own unique way. Happiness can be found in the tiniest of things.
Some find happiness in eating luxurious food, while others are grateful for the food they get to eat twice or three times every day. People have their own definitions of happiness.
‘You crave for food; I crave for the sunlight; that’s why I am me and you are you. A Plant
We all find happiness in different things. Just like a plant in need of sunlight and a human in need of food, we are all different, and there are different things we do to find happiness. It is behind the curtains of things we believe will make us happy; open the curtains, and happiness is what you will see. You love something, and another person loves something else; that is how you define your happiness in doing the things that you love. In reality, you will only experience true joy when you look within yourself and find the best in yourself.

5. The strength of spreading joy
‘I wish I could possess the power to make people believe that I can make a sad happy’
Making people happy and making them forget the pain for a few seconds is an ability—the strongest power one can possess. Pain is just a memory one wants to let go of but can never let go of. But the feeling of happiness is always much stronger than the pain. Happiness can fade away the pain, as pain is a memory of an unpleasant past, while happiness is the realization that you are in a better place now.
6. Letting go of painful memories
When a matchstick burns your finger, pain is felt, but how long does it last? Why not let go of the sad memories? After all, that’s what they are—memories.
Happiness is a state of mind, a thought that we all give different definitions to. Either way, it is the strongest of emotions that can fade your pain away once you unleash your grudges. It is a force as powerful as bleach that can fade even the darkest of colors, but you have to unleash the grudges you are holding onto for happiness to work its magic.
Read our latest blog on when the sun sets
Class – 8th – Oak Buds Ramnagar

There are 5 comments
Well said Shrishti, happiness is a state of mind, you have put forward your articulated thoughts in a well structured manner.
Kudos to you!
You have brilliant thoughts!
Thank you, Abhishek!
Thank you so much!